Courses Attended
- Advance Life Support (ALS) course Merthyr Tydfil Hospital, Wales, UK 2012.
- West mid lands IVUS course 01/11/2011.
- Simulator course in interventional cardiology.Triemli hospital, Zurich. 16th june 2010.
- Euro PCR .25th-28th May 2010 .Paris.
- Euro PCR-19th to 22nd May 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
- IRR99 Training 11th August 2009.Royal Free Hospital, London.
- Coronary Physiology Course- Nice, France 23rd -25th April 2009.
- 3rd Leeds Interventional Trainees’ Course-2008.
- Cambridge Interventional Course-26th-27th june 2008. Papworth Hospital, Cambridge. UK.
- IRMER Training For Cardiology-Birmingham City Hospital-25th May 2007. UK.
- Transradial Procedures Course-18&19th of September 2006-Crew, UK.
- Advanced Life Support Course-14th &15th of June-2006-Glan Clwyd. Wales, UK.
MANAGEMENT COURSES ATTENDED (organized by Cardiff Deanery):-
- Leadership skills- 15/06/2011
- Understanding the NHS- 07/07/2011
- Team Working- 05/10/2011
- Preparing for consultant selection- 12/07/2011
- Developing a business plan- 22/03/2011
Do You Need More Information
Contact Mr. Prasanta Sarkar